Your spiritual connection - Meditations, Inclusive Liturgies, Weddings, Baptisms, Memorials.
Wisdom & Word Works Foundation
From DARKNESS to LIGHT ~ by Barbara Zeman
Wisdom & Word Works Foundation is committed to discovering how God flows in and through every living being ... calling all to oneness.
Founded by Reverend Barbara Zeman, a Roman Catholic woman priest, we can help you to mark the milestones in your life: from Baptisms and Namings to Weddings, Memorials and Funerals. As spiritual beings, living a human existence, we are all in search of our divine source. The mission of Wisdom & Word Works is to offer ways for you to discover your unique spiritual path in life with practical tools: from meditations and reflections to stories of faith in action and conversations with different faith traditions.
The journey from dark to light begins with a single spark. Wherever you may be on your discovery path, however diverse your faith traditions, Wisdom & Word Works Foundation offers a wealth of opportunities to expand awareness and live a joy filled life ... moment to moment.
We invite you-to explore the ways God shows up in your life.
In the darkness, light appears rare.
In the darkness, sight comes without eyes.
In the darkness, fear swells without warning.
In the darkness, trust seems less than fair.
Out of the darkness, one learns to lead with the heart.
Out of the darkness, all discover their path.
Out of the darkness, a light seeds within.
Out of the darkness, knowledge begins to smart.
In the light, fears release.
In the light, truth trumps hypocrisy and power
In the light, faith shines like a star in the east.
In the light, love dwells in joy and peace.

(Podcast ... work in progress)
chewing on faith

listern to Mary Rubin's story below ...

(Podcast ... work in progress)
meditations from the heart